Milwaukee has a communication problem. It is amazingly difficult in such a modern era to bust out of your bubble and see what everyone else in the city is doing. We all have our own circle of friends, business partners, and acquaintences but it is amazing how disconnected that group is as a whole. That is why RokkinCat has decided to host a city-wide Slack chat room. We’ll use this to connect everyone in real time. Meetups and networking events are great, but we need a way to meet people in the in-between.

Slack is an excellent tool that is designed to help teams communicate effectively. We use it for all of our projects internally at RokkinCat, but we have had enough of talking to each other, we want to talk to you! Fill out this form and you will receive an invite shortly after – if you are having trouble, please send an email to and I will personally help you get set up.

Come hang out with us online, meet programmers, students, artists, newscasters, business people, and a whole bunch of strangers. Who knows what will happen if everyone starts talking, lets make Milwaukee a more connected place.

Sign up here for an invite